Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The week before Thanksgiving...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tired...so very tired...
Hillary, Susan and I played board games, went to a farmers market and had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. Sunday morning I climbed in the car at 7 am and headed home. Long, lonely drive in the snow!
When I got home, I cleaned and hung out with the boys. Sunday night I worked. Monday was Kendall's birthday. I can't believe she is 3! Birthday party for Kendall and Addy Monday night, Tues-worked at Fitworks till noon and hung out with Craig. (It was his off day.) Wed-I had bible study and a baby shower for all the preggies (Aunt Ju!!!) and then worked last night. So far today, I have drank a pot of coffee and am about to get Evan on the bed. Then I have to ignore the effects of the coffee and try to take a nap while he is gone and Gussie is asleep. Teacher conference at 4:30. Work tonight. Friday-dr appt and work Fri night. Whew. Sorry for all the boring details....I'm sure we all feel like this!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have company!
The other night I was washing dishes and wished aloud that we had more space in our condo. Evan (my little grown up) said, "Mommy, if you got the new space saver bags, you could not only keep your clothes clean, but you have space to store them. You can fit 20 sweaters in the space it would take to fold one!" I laughed my tush off. He is so funny sometimes. And yes, we need to cut back on his tv time. He is already memorizing infomercials!
Well-I am off! Hillary and I drove up to Cleveland last night to visit with her sissy. Sus is AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to fill ya'll in on the happenings of Heather without kids! Fun times!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
GrosgrainStore.com Grand Opening & Giftcard Giveaway!!!!!!!!

GrosgrainStore.com Grand Opening & Giftcard Giveaway!!!!!!!!
This is a stay at home mom who just started her own clothing business. Cutest little girl clothes EVER!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Something funny I just remembered!
It all started with Evan wanting a warm chocolate (kids hot chocolate from Starbucks- in Evanese of course!). No sooner than we parked at the gym, E dumped the remaining contents of his drink in his lap. It looked just like he wet his pants. (Embarrassing for anyone, but especially a five year old grown man!)
Since we were 20 minutes early to the gym, I felt like I had time to right the situation. I took off my hoodie and wrapped it like a towel, fresh from a shower! We ran into the locker room and I washed out his khakis. We threw the shorts in the sauna, praying for a miracle! No dice. Wet as ever. Defeated, we went back to the playland so I could do damage control. I didn't want anyone thinking my baby wasn't potty trained!
As I sat there waiting for the other children to arrive, my eyes drifted over to my fat little gefilte fish, Gus. His thighs are a marvel! Then it hit me! Evan is soooooo skinny! Gus is a buster!
Yep. I did it. I swapped out my hoodie for Gus's 2T shorts and let Gussie's ham-hocks go natural in full glory. Evan looked like a dweeb in his too-short, too-tight hot pants, but it worked! Gus loved going semi-commando, too!

Friday, November 7, 2008
Go ahead and smack my hands...
1) I know all children are different. I know I can't compare them....But sometimes the enemy creeps in and gets my mind all mixed up.
Evan has always been a talker. Ever since he was 8 months old and he muttered "mmm boob" at church (Yeah. I ended up nursing him till he was two!) that boy has talked nonstop! Gus, not so much. He just doesn't say alot. This morning, when I got off work, I climbed into bed waiting for the boys to wake up. The wheels started churning in my mind. He's 17 months! Shouldn't he be talking more? I know he understands....Could something be going on with him?
Well right as Craig was about to leave for work, he came into our room and dropped a very pop-tart smelling Gus onto my quilt. As he leaned over to kiss us both, Gus said, "bye Daddy!" I know it's not much-but IT WAS! I know God gave me that moment to knock some sense in me!
2) This morning while I was drinking my morning coffee (and trying to watch The Office from last night), the boys were playing in my room . They love my bed for some reason! After a few minutes, Evan came out and said, "I just rescued Gus. He almost fell off the bed. That's what I'm going to do when I grow up. I'll be a baby brother-sister watcher. I'll watch them so their mommies can get a break and watch tv!" HAHA! Talk about convicted. So, I turned off the boob tube and played with the boys. Gus is down for his nap now....so I don't feel so bad being on the computer!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm a slacker.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I survived watching 4 kids! Go me!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tropical Tree Frog Costume GIVEAWAY!!!!
This is an ADORABLE costume! Can be for a girl or boy, size 2-4T! I want it!!!