Monday, February 23, 2009
Cleaning when I am sick.
This week I have had the worst head cold. It was terrible! Sweet relief came only two nights ago, when my friend Shannon suggested I get a neti pot. If you haven't heard of it-google it. The instructions are too grodie to write. That said, it completely cleared out all of my sinus junk and I am a forever fan! LOVE it!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
On Valentines Day....
The first second I met Jarrett, I loved him. He was three and adorable beyond words. He had snow white hair, soft and feathery. He had been born with a chromosomal defect which caused him to have developmental delays and left him unable to walk. That was fine with me, because I could hold that kid all day! We used to listen to Sesame Street songs on his little tape player and dance all day! He used to laugh so hard it shook his whole body! I think it started in his toes like a little grumble, but as it reached his tummy-it burst out loud and gasping,like he was choking. But then he'd start making kissy sounds and you knew he was SO happy.
The biggest obstacle Jarrett faced were the seizures. They came swiftly. They came hard. They were scary. It was horrible. You wanted him to be happy and healthy, even if it meant to go on to Jesus-but yet you wanted him to FIGHT IT. STAY. PLEASE. In the end, it was truely a blessing. It was on this day of love, Valentine's Day 2004, that God hand selected the most beautiful and lovely of all Valentines and took him home and gave him rest. Although my heart hurts and my arms physically ache to hold him once again, I am thankful. God put me in the life of a very special family to learn what it takes to be selfless and to love wholeheartedly-no matter the risk.
Still though, I would give anything to go with Jarrett down to the park, lay out a blanket, listen to the creek, birds and other kids playing and roll around under the clouds...just for one more day.

Jarrett Rhys Price Jan 19,1998- Feb 14, 2004

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I am Thankful.

I am thankful for little Gus. I love his round tummy and endless laughter. I can't wait to tell him of all the ways he tormented his big brother as a carefree and reckless toddler.
I am thankful for our health. (Especially the fact that I have two healthy children.) I am thankful that my children have the ability to tip over the laundry basket, clear out my dressers in one fell swoop, squeal, belly laugh, wrestle.... All this and more.
I am thankful for second chances. (For FINALLY getting it right with my husband.) Things are better between us than they have ever been.
This has been a strange few weeks. I have been increasingly aware of how blessed I am and how God is changing me. Truely. I am trying to not feel guilty in the midst of all the pain and trials I have witnessed in those around me.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We got more snow! 6"! What is going on?
This is Evan, my half naked cowboy. He was singing me a song he wrote!
Gus is not the best self feeder-but he sure tries!