Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I picked Evan up from school today and there was a muslim woman who walked past us and went into the office. I didn't give her much thought until Evan got really excited and started pressing his face up against the office window. He started shouting, "Mom! There's a lady who works with orphans in there!!!! Do we have any toys to give her for the kids?" I had NO CLUE what he was talking about until I remembered the woman with the shawl over her hair. Evan thought she was a nun! I thank God everyday for Evan's heart. He is the sweetest boy I have ever met.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Evan's pledge of allegiance, Age 5

On the way home from Kroger last night, Evan and I were talking about what he is learning at school. He said his teacher went over all the colors and shapes, but everyone already knew them all. They are learning to count to 100 by tens which is something Evan has been working on for a bit... I asked if they still did the pledge of allegience everyday like he did in preschool and he said, "nope. We haven't said it yet." (I am guessing because it's afternoon K? They didn't ban it from public schools did they?) I asked him if he still remembered it and he did! Here is what he said!!!
"I pledge allegience to the flag,
of the United States of America-
and to the republic
for which it stands,
one dalmation, under God
indivisible with liberty
and justice for all."
Now, let me say in his defense....he DID watch 101 Dalmations over at Grammy's yesterday... :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Riding on the school bus!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Evan rode the bus to school today! He loved it....although Craig and I freaked out a bit. I was more emotional today than yesterday (on his first day of school- EVER!) It just reinterated how big Evan is and how much he's grown up. CRAZINESS! Here are a few pics from today along with a video of Evan's interpretation of a bus dance. HILARIOUS!!!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The big devil, wrestling and kindergarten.
Today was Evan's big day! KINDERGARTEN!!!!!! I thought I would cry and be my typical emotional self-but I was pretty calm. It helped that Evan literally forgot all about me the second we entered his classrooom...
Afterwards, on the way home, I asked him about his day. He said he had fun and his teacher was really nice. I asked if he got in trouble at all and he said, "well, a little bit..."
"What did you do?"
"I hit a kid."
"EVAN!!!! Why would you do that? That is NOT how you make friends! WHY DID YOU HIT?"
"The big devil."
"The big devil made me do it."
"Evan-that is not a good enough excuse."
"Well...I did use my brain."
"How? You didn't use your brain. You used your muscle and that's not good!"
"NO! I used my brain! I was looking at that big, tough kid and all I could think was wrestle!"
AHH!!! It took everything I had to keep myself from laughing out loud!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Kindergarten Eve...

Wow. Tomorrow Evan starts Kindergarten. I can't believe it. He is SO excited. Thursday we had open house at school and as we were leaving the house to go up there I looked at his shirt. There were three big wet spots on it. I was really annoyed since I had just handed him the clean shirt 5 minutes before....I was about to make him change when the strong scent of Axe body spray wafted up my nostrils.... EVAN PUT ON "COLOGNE" to meet his teacher!!!! He is so cute sometimes I can't stand it.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tubby Bubby.
Gus is a tank. Seriously. It is so funny to watch him lumbering around because his belly sticks out SO far! (Think: overweight daushaunds who have back problems from their tummies touching the ground. ) I figured he would lose weight once he started walking-but that was 5 months ago and the kid keeps packing on the lbs! He recently started pulling his shirt up and rubbing his tummy. It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! I keep thinking about that episode of Friends when Joey wore maternity pants to Thanksgiving dinner!
When I look at those chubby fingers, thigh rolls, triple chins and beachball-shaped waistline I praise God that my baby is healthy and yes-fat. I am thankful for the nourishment that is provided and the fact that he never goes to bed with a grumbly belly. I can't imagine all the poor mothers who cry in bed wondering how they will feed their children the next day...Or worse yet-there are mothers out there, without even the luxury of a bed, holding a baby dead from starvation. It's horrible to think about how much I take God's blessings for granted....
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