On the way home from Kroger last night, Evan and I were talking about what he is learning at school. He said his teacher went over all the colors and shapes, but everyone already knew them all. They are learning to count to 100 by tens which is something Evan has been working on for a bit... I asked if they still did the pledge of allegience everyday like he did in preschool and he said, "nope. We haven't said it yet." (I am guessing because it's afternoon K? They didn't ban it from public schools did they?) I asked him if he still remembered it and he did! Here is what he said!!!
"I pledge allegience to the flag,
of the United States of America-
and to the republic
for which it stands,
one dalmation, under God
indivisible with liberty
and justice for all."
Now, let me say in his defense....he DID watch 101 Dalmations over at Grammy's yesterday... :)
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