I feel like absolute crud. I worked all night and now that it's noon-I finally get to go to sleep. The problem is that the only opening my dr had was at 2:15. I had to get Evan on and off the bus at noon and 4, so I couldn't really go until after 4. They said if I can't go in at 2:15 (which I totally cannot!!!) then I will just have to go to urgent care. UGGH!!!!!! I wish he would just call something in for me! Why on earth would I wanna abuse antibiotics?!?! Crazy.
I stole an idea from a blog I read recently about mixed tapes. It brought back fond memories of me with my childhood BFF. We used to go into her big brother's room and make tape after tape (then cd after cd) of our musical affections. I have given and recieved several mixed tapes at times....some were of the "I love these songs and you need to broaden your musical palate" variety and some were the heart-wrenching "I think about you all the time and if I was able to express myself the way I wish I could-this is what I'd say" type. In either capacity-mixed tapes, to me, are an intimate encounter. Someone thought about me! OR vice versa, I am thinking of/praying for/loving someone!
Anyhooch, I decided to make an Ultimate Mixed Tape of my life thus far. 13 songs that have meant something to me and have shaped me in someway...
1) Daddy's Girl , Red Sovine- All my poor daddy wanted was ONE stinkin son and he got FIVE daughters instead! I remember sitting on his lap and singing the chorus to this song. I am still, at 29 years of age, a Daddy's girl... " I know I'm daddy's number one,for he loves me like I was his son.." http://www.ourweddingsongs.com/father-daughter-songs/daddy-s-girl-lyrics
2) More Than You'll Ever Know, Watermark- Awesome song that reminds me of my sisters (biological and in Christ). If I need them, they come running! (With food, cleaning gear, etc.) It's so nice to know that they get on their knees and pray for little ol'me! It sure takes some of the burdens off you shoulder when your friends carry your load for you! http://www.christianlyricsonline.com/artists/watermark/more-than-youll-ever-know.html
3)Cold Water, Damien Rice- Three years ago, my step-grandmother was killed in a tragic accident. It hurt so much to think about her being a new story and something people were talking about everywhere I went. She was such a lovely lady. A few days after her funeral, I remember being stuck on a bridge over the Ohio River and hearing this song. I can't even hear the song without thinking about her.
5) We Thought You'd Be Here, Wes King- Craig and I had two miscarriages before we had Evan. It was such a hard time for me. I kept thinking God and I were on the same page, only to find out we weren't even in the same book! Craig and I knew we were meant to be parents we just didn't know when... This song was my torture and my hope. I would curl up in a ball and listen and cry, listen and cry, repeat...Pitiful, I know-but it helped! (And you know we all do it!)Anyway, this artist had gone thru a similar situation with his wife and wrote this song about their journey.
6) The First Day of My Life, Bright Eyes- I love this song. It reminds me of what it felt like falling in love with Craig.
I haven't blogged in several days mainly because nothing has happened. I've been working full time nights and taking care of the boys all day. Most days consist of me wandering around like a zombie until Evan gets on the bus. That's when Gus and I go down for our naps. :)
Here are a few pics from this past Sunday when we went to the zoo with Grammy. It was Gus's first time on the carousel and he wasn't all that impressed. I took a video. Check out how excited big brother was to be on the shark!
I love my kids. And I absolutely love being a mom. That said, there are days I wish I could just lay in bed and not get out. I literally dream of sinking into my mattress, loaded with my soft quilt, flannel sheets and down pillows and feel the fan cooling my toes peeking out beneath the blankets. I want no responsibility. No noise! No sticky fingers grabbing at my nose. No tushies that need to be wiped. No husband asking where the scissors are. No 5 year old cutting up my couch with the scissors daddy provided....
Hmm....How's this for irony? The boys are the ones in my bedroom right now. Gus is just waking up from his nap and Evan must be entertainging him. Gus is squealing with delight. I imagine Evan is playing peekaboo. Maybe he is even underneath my soft, cuddly quilt. Perhaps he's even pillow-fighting with the down pillows....More likely though, he is cutting something up with those darn scissors! Ahhh!!! Better go check on the babes!
Evan is scared when his bathroom door is left open. It's a new fear, but every night like clockwork he says ,"um...you forgot something! THE DOOR!!!" Nothing Craig and I say can convince him there aren't aliens hiding in the dark corners of the bathtub, just behind the curtain.
Well, I just got the boys out of the bathtub about a half an hour ago and Evan is playing in his room. He just ran out here a few minutes ago and said, "Mom! THE DOOR!!!! You left it OPEN!" When I reminded him that he was the last person out of the bathroom, he responded with, "No. It was you. Check the video."
HAHAH!!!! How sad is it that the norm for our children is that everything is being taped? Walgreens, Target, street corners...and apparently my five year olds's room!
Gus and I went up to Mason Elementary for the Susan G Komen Race for the cure. A bunch of my friends met up to walk with our friend Jami. She is such an amazing woman. She has been through so much the past two years...I can't even believe how strong she is! She just had a nasty reaction to chemo this past week and the skin peeled off the bottom of her feet. We all said we would carry her or push her or whatever was needed to get her thru the 5k. Well, she walked the whole thing! I even saw her run! (That's her in the picture with me.)
After the race I went home to watch the Bengals and we had the worst wind storm I have ever seen! Some places nearby registered 82 mph winds! The siding is gone on the side of my mother in laws house, my dad lost shingles off his and our garbage cans ended up about 30 yards into the woods! I am thankful though, that we have electricity. I know so many people are out.
Whew! We have had a busy week since the wedding. Craig was on vacation all week, so I picked up a little extra at work to help the family I work for. It was nice- BUT BOY AM I TIRED! Craig and I took the boys to the Newport Aquarium today and they had so much fun! Gus couldn't believe the big fish! Evan and Craig were all about the sharks. I loved the jellyfish. Man, God created some awesome sea creatures!
I have to go to bed early because I am doing the Race for the cure in the morning!
Wow. We had bible study today and it was SO good! We are studying 1Timothy and I am learning so much about listening to God and also about discipline. God is telling me I really need an attitude adjustment when it comes to my relationship with my husband. I just want to control things! It's my nature! I want things done how and when and the way I want them. I have to let Craig lead in our home. Pray for me. It's really hard! I am seeing how my bossiness and anger dictates our entire day. If I am quiet and yielding to God's will and also to my husband (under God's authority) then great things happen! We are all happy! :) It's crazy how my grumpy butt can bring the whole family down....
Happy wedding day, Hilllary and George LaMay!!!!! (It is also the 8th anniversary of their first date and the 2nd anniversary of their engagement!)
When I woke up this morning, I just had to trust God. I prayed for His will be done. It was POURING outside! It was magnificent and terrible. The wind was blowing so hard trees were bending over. We got our hair done at 9am and when we left the salon I actually had to pull into the shopping center carport to get the bride (dryly) into the car! You shoulda seen us all huddling underneath umbrellas with our hair all fixed up! It would have been funny if it wasn't us and a wedding in the midst...
Hillary kept her cool all day and we were all praying for the sun to come out. We got to the venue amid the deluge and went inside and practiced for an indoor wedding. All the while trusting God was bigger than the storm, but not knowing what he had in store.
Well, guess what!!?!?!? GOD ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS!!!!! Right at 5:30, when the wedding was to start, the sun came out! Hillz walked down the aisle (OUTSIDE!!!) about 20 minutes later. It was perfect. The ceremony was perfect as was the reception. It all fell into place. I am so happy for them!
I woke up this morning and went to tea with the lovely bride and all the bridesmaids. It was SO fun! One of my favorite people (in all the world!!!) Michelle, got me into tea and tea houses a few years back. It is such a way to squeeze in girlie fellowship and also enjoy yummy tea (and scones and dainty sandwiches...I could go on!) Hillary picked out the neatest little tea house where we could browse the antiques and english goodies.
After tea we went straight to the rehersal. We practiced for an outside wedding! I really pray that is how it turns out! Once we finished our practicing, we caravaned to the rehersal dinner. It was the site of Hillary and George's first date! So cute. (AND SO DELICIOUS!) I had crawfish and shrimp beignets for the appetizer, new york strip for dinner, and chocolate cake for dinner. It may have been the best meal I have ever eaten! I will be daydreaming about those beignets for years!
I am off to bed as this is the eve of the wedding. I really hope hurricane Hanna decides to stay AWAY! (Although it is already pouring...)
Craig and I got up at 2:45 this morning and left! CRAZINESS!!!!! We got into the DC area around 1pm, took a quick nap and then it was time for me to go meet the gals for manis, pedis and dinner. Craig met the groomsmen for TOP GOLF. (He wants to buy a franchise now!) http://www.topgolf.com/
Fun was had by all, but I didn't get to see Craig until bedtime and I have to get up early in the morning for a bridesmaid tea! How fun!!!
In Ky news, Evan is trying to switch out Gus for my friend Shannon's baby Alex Emily. He loves Gus, but he really wanted a baby sister! HAHAH!!!!
Craig and I leave tomorrow, Wednesday, to go to VA. I am in the wedding of our dear friends Hillary and George. I am so excited!!!! Please pray for great weather. They are predicting rain from hurricaine Hannah will arrive just in time for the wedding. That is definitely an uninvited guest!!!! :)
I will try to keep up with the blog this week, but it will definitely be a time issue....