Friday, September 26, 2008

Heather's Ultimate Mixed Tape (side one)

I stole an idea from a blog I read recently about mixed tapes. It brought back fond memories of me with my childhood BFF. We used to go into her big brother's room and make tape after tape (then cd after cd) of our musical affections. I have given and recieved several mixed tapes at times....some were of the "I love these songs and you need to broaden your musical palate" variety and some were the heart-wrenching "I think about you all the time and if I was able to express myself the way I wish I could-this is what I'd say" type. In either capacity-mixed tapes, to me, are an intimate encounter. Someone thought about me! OR vice versa, I am thinking of/praying for/loving someone!

Anyhooch, I decided to make an Ultimate Mixed Tape of my life thus far. 13 songs that have meant something to me and have shaped me in someway...

1) Daddy's Girl , Red Sovine- All my poor daddy wanted was ONE stinkin son and he got FIVE daughters instead! I remember sitting on his lap and singing the chorus to this song. I am still, at 29 years of age, a Daddy's girl... " I know I'm daddy's number one, for he loves me like I was his son.."

2) More Than You'll Ever Know, Watermark- Awesome song that reminds me of my sisters (biological and in Christ). If I need them, they come running! (With food, cleaning gear, etc.) It's so nice to know that they get on their knees and pray for little ol' me! It sure takes some of the burdens off you shoulder when your friends carry your load for you!

3)Cold Water, Damien Rice- Three years ago, my step-grandmother was killed in a tragic accident. It hurt so much to think about her being a new story and something people were talking about everywhere I went. She was such a lovely lady. A few days after her funeral, I remember being stuck on a bridge over the Ohio River and hearing this song. I can't even hear the song without thinking about her.

5) We Thought You'd Be Here, Wes King- Craig and I had two miscarriages before we had Evan. It was such a hard time for me. I kept thinking God and I were on the same page, only to find out we weren't even in the same book! Craig and I knew we were meant to be parents we just didn't know when... This song was my torture and my hope. I would curl up in a ball and listen and cry, listen and cry, repeat...Pitiful, I know-but it helped! (And you know we all do it!)Anyway, this artist had gone thru a similar situation with his wife and wrote this song about their journey.

6) The First Day of My Life, Bright Eyes- I love this song. It reminds me of what it felt like falling in love with Craig.

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