I ended up getting into the Dr at 4:15 Monday-Which is EXACTLY when I wanted to go in the first place! Praise the Lord!
Yesterday, I ended up with Gus in his dr's office. Turns out he probably just has a cold, so that's good. He seems a little better than yesterday, but his nose is still a leaky faucet.
In Evan news: Lately he has been asking me ALOT about adoption. He wants to adopt a slew of kids (now!)even though I explained to him that Mommy and Daddy may do that someday- now is not the time. Yesterday when we were waiting for his bus we had a sweet conversation...
E: Mom, when I get big I am going to make a lot of money so I can adopt a bunch of orphans and buy them all the food and toys they want!
Me: That's wonderful honey. You would make a great daddy someday.
E: Well, I might bring a baby home tomorrow. I think I will name him Jacob Disco.
Me: Hmm...I think that would be hard to get a brother tomorrow. Plus, wouldn't it be nice to NOT get a BABY, but maybe a little boy or girl who is already growing up and really wants a family? They would already have a name, too.
E: Yeah well, they might have a name, but everybody loves nicknames! I am going to call the kid Jacob Disco no matter what!
HAHAHA. He is so sweet, but a smidge stubborn! BTW- Jacob Disco is the name Evan wanted to legally change his name to last year! So funny he remembered that. Don't be surprised if you run into him years from now and he has a child named that! He's really hung up on it!
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