Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My little dictionary.

Last night Evan wanted to spend the night at my mom's house. Gammy called me today to tell me what a hilarious (and smart!) child I have.

Gammy: "Evan, have you been a good boy?"
Evan: "Umm...yeah?"
Gammy: "even at school?"
Evan: "Yes. Except, I used to not be that nice to Cody-but now he's my friend."
Gammy: "How about your mom? Are you good to her?"
Evan: "Well, I'm sorta bad. I terrorize her."
Gammy: (laughing)
Evan: "What does terrorize mean?"
Gammy: "It means driving your mom nuts."
Evan: "Yep. That's it. That's the word. That's what I do to her."

Isn't he a trip? My mom said she laughed till she cried! Where does he come up with these words? I PROMISE I never call him a terrorist!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

1 down, 4 Christmases to go!

Last night we went to Aunt Ju and Uncle Joe's new house for Christmas for my mom's side. (Mind you, they just moved in that day!) Everything was perfect and almost everything was unboxed and put away! They had great helpers!

Memaw and Papaw came with pies (butterscotch and chess-yummy!)! We stuffed our self silly, settled down for the gift opening, threw the kids in bed and played board games (apples to apples and taboo), and watched Elf. What a blast!

Papaw, Kendall, Addyson and Evan.

Gus, Isaac and Addy.

Storytime with Uncle Steve.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sugar Cookie Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

This is adorable!!!!!

Sugar Cookie Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

No, our neighbor is not THAT old!

Yesterday, Evan and I were reading the Bible. He wanted me to read-not retell various stories in the Good Book. We started with The Christmas story, followed by Jesus walking on water and ended with Noah building the Arc. He was asking the cutest questions and REALLY seemed to be getting into it. When we were finished, he continued on with searching thru the Bible. He turned to the back (where the maps are) and asked me where Kentucky was. I told him Kentucky didn't exsist yet, and that all those maps were of Europe and Africa.

He sat there for a minute and asked, "What do you think Jesus looked like?" I told him he was darker than us, probably with black or very dark brown hair. I told him that it was what most people looked like where he lived. He asked why we didn't look like that. I had to go into the whole spiel about our ancestors coming over from Europe and how that was much later than when Jesus lived. I had to tell him about the American Indians and all that stuff too. LONG TALK! I really thought Evan understood what I was talking about until he asked me if I thought Brenda, (our neighbor who is in her 60's), remembered Jesus! I told him she was much too young for that and then he said he bet she at least remembered coming over here on the boat! HAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finally! A great night's sleep!

After three nights in a row of Gus acting like a raving lunatic at night (see 2 posts down)I was beat last night when I went to bed. I had spent the night before, much like the previous two, trying to get my babe to stop crying and maybe actually sleep. So when I went to bed last night (at 8:30ish) I was praying for sleep, but preparing for a fuss-fest. PRAISE THE LORD! Even as I type this at 7am, my little gifilte fish is still slumbering! Whoo hoo! Whatever was wrong with him (dr thinks teething)seems to be diminishing! I could cry. I am so thrilled!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Beat this, Shelley!

The other day, my friend Shelley posted a "What's wrong with this picture?" blog. (Her son had JUST gotten new glasses, yet there they sat. On a table. Split in half....)

So-here is MY "What's wrong with this picture?" blog.

Wait for it....

Just so you're not confused...That is SO not a barge bath tub toy....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Musical beds....

Well...let me just say that

has struck yet again.

I put him to bed at 8:15 and he was up by 10pm. SCREAMING. I tried everything. The paci, the bottle, the noise maker, rocking him, patting his tush, a back rub....NOTHING. Finally he dozed back to sleep around 11:15. Up again at midnight. I tried oragel, tylenol (spit immediately onto his shirt), singing to him. Nothing. I finally hunkered down into Evan's lower bunk bed and cuddled. He cried. He crawled. He screamed. He slapped.He napped for a few minutes at a time. He tossed and turned. He wash, rinse and repeated the whole deal all night. Finally at 5am, I crawled back into my own comfy bed. He was up for the day at 6:30 am. Apparently so was I.

Fun times. Fun times.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas fun! (but I need some Exedrine Migraine)

So last week we decided to put up the tree. GREAT fun was had by all. This included, but was not limited to me attempting to put the GINORMOUS hole (made from Evan stage-diving into the tree from the couch last year)in the back, keep Gus from eating the cupcake designed ornaments, and Evan from placing at least three ornaments to a branch. AHHHHH!!!!!

Then, the next night I attempted to get a sweet picture for our Christmas card. Yeah. Trying to get those boys to cooperate is like trying to teach a hampster to ride a unicycle. NOT HAPPENING. Here is my evidence...
Gus playing peek-a-boo.
Shocking, but we finally got a good (or at least hilarious) one!

This is the winner. Doesn't it just scream Merry Christmas!

Ew...the sickie ickies.

Well, boy oh boy have we been sick! Stomach bug. Ugh. We are all better now, PRAISE THE LORD! :) Craig, the boys and I were sick as dogs from Sunday night thru most of Monday. Evan, of course, didn't go to school Monday. The day was spent bleaching EVERY surface in sight along with one unfortunate load of laundry. Tuesday was much better. We could all eat again! Whoop whoop!!! Then, we went to Evan's Student of the Month awards ceremony last night. I am so proud of that little stinker! Pictures to follow!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Citizen of the month!

I feel terrible about not blogging much lately. Things have just been busy without much really going on. Does that make sense?

One exciting thing that happened this week was that dear Evan got nominated as the Student Citizen of the Month at school. We get to go honor him at the PTO meeting next Tuesday where they will present him with an award. I asked him what he did to get the award. He has no clue! He said he always helps his teacher and is nice to her... (Not sure if that is the reason, but I guess we will soon find out!)

Here are a few pictures of the boys and their cousins, Kendall and Addyson! I watched all four last week. I really am amazed at my friends with more kids than they have arms! How do you all do it? ;)