has struck yet again.
I put him to bed at 8:15 and he was up by 10pm. SCREAMING. I tried everything. The paci, the bottle, the noise maker, rocking him, patting his tush, a back rub....NOTHING. Finally he dozed back to sleep around 11:15. Up again at midnight. I tried oragel, tylenol (spit immediately onto his shirt), singing to him. Nothing. I finally hunkered down into Evan's lower bunk bed and cuddled. He cried. He crawled. He screamed. He slapped.He napped for a few minutes at a time. He tossed and turned. He wash, rinse and repeated the whole deal all night. Finally at 5am, I crawled back into my own comfy bed. He was up for the day at 6:30 am. Apparently so was I.

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