Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh, the things he says....

On Wednesday, I took Gus to the park to play with his cousins (and hopefully get some energy out since I was mid-week in a 5-night-shifts-in-a-row schedule).  Granted we weren't at the park long, but we'd played at Aimee's for an hour previously. As I was literally dragging Gus out of the playground and cramming him kicking and screaming into the car seat, he began to yell, "I don't like you! You don't let me play at the park!" I ignored him and only responded by saying that my feelings were hurt and I was surprised he was upset CONSIDERING we had just played at the park he said he NEVER gets to play at! We drove home with the windows down and him howling about how he doesn't like me (or anyone in town!).

Once home, I climbed into bed and tried to get him to do the same....He lay there for a while then he rolled over and said the following:

Gus: Mom, I sorry I hurt you feelings.
Me: What did you say?  (meaning what did he say that hurt my feelings)
Me:I know, honey...but WHAT did you SAY?
Gus: I SAID I SORRY!!!! I SPEAKIN EN-GISH! Can't you hear me?
Me: What did you say that hurt my feelings, Gus?
Gus: Well... I say that I don't like you cuz you don't do what I want and I so sorry.  I  dinnint mean dat. I love you. I miss you mom mom. can I stay mad at such a cutie? I couldn't believe that he'd thought about it for that long and came to apologize after the fact without being forced! (Craig and I still have trouble doing that!)

1 comment:

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Dont matter to me
if you dont wanna
deal with reality, pops.