Monday, November 14, 2011

Gus is a lil stinker!!!!!

I finally found one drawback to having a son (Evan) who reads well above his reading level. Sometimes he reads words he ought not. Tonight he checked out a book from the library that said "crap" and he proceeded to tell me when Gus was sitting in the same room. Of course, Gus starts saying it too. After I told both boys they were not to say it again, Gus still insisted on repeating it! Uggh!!!!!! Here's the rest of our conversation.

Me: Gus, if you say that again, you are going to get a spankin.
Gus: Can you just ignore me, then?

HAHAHA!!!! It was soooooooooo hard not to laugh!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sickle Pickles

Yesterday morning I got off work and came straight home. I was hoping to catch a few zzzz's before beginning our busy weekend. Almost immediately upon walking in the door-all my plans flew out the window. As I was smearing my just purchased "fresh from the farm REAL butter" on my whole wheat bread, Craig flew past me and into my butter knife (thank goodness it wasn't sharp!) and proceeded to vomit into and along the side of my garbage can. Yum. I put the bread down, appetite somehow gone and got the cleaning supplies and removed the garbage bag from my house.

After all was cleaned up, I climbed into bed and snuggled up to Gus. Just as I closed my eyes, Gus sits straight up and starts yelling, "My throat is sucking in! My throat is sucking iiiiiiIIIIIIiiiin!!!!" Not knowing what that meant, I asked him what in the world he was talking about at the same moment he upchucked ALL over my bed and carpet. (And darn it if it isn't the only room in the house without hardwood!)After I cleaned up Gus's mess, I began to get a little queasy myself-but chalked it up to the germs that were swirling around in my head now that I knew we had a virus among us. Nope. Not in my head. I got it the worst. Thank goodness sweet Evan was spared, and Craig and Gus didn't end up having it too bad.

I need to give a shout out to my Evan because he actually cleaned up my "mess" as I was getting sick. He really is the most fantastic boy in the world. I told him that he was going to be the best husband in the whole world someday and that he will be an absolute treasure to his wife in the event she should get sick. Evan, heart of gold-stomach of steel <3

Today was clorox and clean sheets day. I did laundry sun up to sun down. I think I did a great job, too because Evan never did get sick. Praise the Lord!