Friday, January 30, 2009
If one more snowflake falls....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snowed in!

Evan just said two funny things I had to jot down before our electricity possibly goes out. (They said that is probably coming, too!)
He ate cereal for dinner tonight. I know. Not the healthiest, but he wouldn't touch the ham I made with a ten foot pole! So, after he ate he said, "Mom, you know.... that cereal had 100 calories. It said it on the box. I just read it. Well...I think it was calories. Maybe it was a hundred fiber. Isn't fiber that thing that makes me poop all the time? Good thing I don't eat that anymore! Who wants diarrhea all the time anyway?"
He followed THAT little gem up with saying this (out of the blue...)
"Hey, kid. Please don't skip on the soap. Shew, son! You smell like a week old hotdog!" (that was to Gus, of course...because he did stink.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Busy Weekend!
A couple fun things happened this weekend. Evan had his first basketball game EVER! So cute. He is one of three 5 year olds playing on a U7 team and lemme tell ya- It's hilarious! He did get a steal, which was cute. Here he is dribbling (kinda). He's number 2!
Saturday night I went out for my friend Dre's 30th birthday. I can't believe we will all be turning 30 this year. Funny, 30 used to sound so old to me! Now that I am almost there, it's not so bad...
Today we had cousin Dillinger's 5th birthday (GO DILLY!!!) at Jump Zone. I had no idea it was snowing, so thank goodness we left early! The roads were a mess! We had to leave Dillinger's party a little early to go to another birthday party! It was for Evan's first friend he made all on his own! (Not one of my friends kids, not a cousin, not in his class...) It was a kid that rides his bus! So fun. Evan had a blast, but Gus and I were so tired! (He didn't get a nap until 4pm!)
Now the boys are both in bed and I am just waiting for my honey to get home from work so we can get some shows off the DVR before I go into work tonight!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sorry I have been a terrible blogger.
All that aside. Things are just lovely. Craig and I are doing great. Kids are benefiting from our happy home.
Here's two cute things Evan said this week:
Evan and Craig were out in the living room yesterday, while I was attempting to rest. The history channel was on tv. It must have gotten Evan thinking..... "Dad? Did they have electricity when you were a kid?"
I was washing dishes one day, looking haggard. (Taking care of a sick family is no small feat!) Evan walks up to me, holding a mirror. He said," Do you see what I see?" I asked what he saw. "The most beautiful girl in all the world!"
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New Year, new beginning.

There. Have you recovered yet?
Yesterday was a rough day in my home. Almost 11 years ago, I met a guy (who also is not perfect). We fell madly in love and ignored all little pieces of eachother that weren't quite compatible. We were CRAZY about eachother. Fastforward 8 years of marriage, and two adorable little scamps later. Now those incompatabilites are mixed with not enough "couple time," overall discontent, messy house, grumpy get where I'm going. I'm sure.
I thought we were through. I really did. I spent so many years wishing he would change and that things would be different. I ignored him. I nagged. I prayed. I screamed. I scolded. I threatened. I did alot of things I wish I hadn't. He ran. He partied. He screamed. He ignored. He closed me out. Yesterday, we came to the decision we needed to change. For us. For the boys. We needed better for all of us. I wanted counseling. He wanted divorce. I said that I was fine with whatever he wanted. I just was tired of fighting.
I couldn't sleep all night. I prayed. HARD. I had friends and sisters on their knees pleading with God to step in and cover our family. I am so excited to announce that this morning, Craig changed his mind. He wants to work it out. I am going to go to counseling. Even if he doesn't. I have to let go and let God. I just wanted to share my joy with everyone. Thanks for your prayers. And keep 'em coming! I know this isn't going to be easy, but I do know that it's going to be worth it.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Skinny Minnie bubs.

I am off to take Gus to the dr's office. I just called the nurse to ask about Gus's cough. (He woke up this morning with a barking cough. Hopefully it's not croup.)
I weighed Gus then and realized that he has lost a LOT of weight since Thursday (when he started feeling sickish...) He went from 28.8lbs to 23.6lbs! That's like losing 20% his weight! (In a week!) Obviously the picture on the right is photoshopped. Just wanted you to get an idea of what I'm talking about! He's lost his innertube! (Not really, but sorta, a smidge...)
Evan gets on the bus (first day back to school-PRAISE JESUS!!!) at noon and we go across the street to our appt at 12:10. Please pray that Gussie is okay and doesn't have to go to the hospital or get an IV. I don't think he is dehydrated (still has tears, mouth wet, still has wet diapers and not peaking skin)and that is why I didn't call dr earlier....Now I feel bad, though=
UPDATE: Just got back from the Dr's appt. He said Gus is around 26lbs, and not to worry about the weight b/c he is hydrated. However, poor bubs has Croup. :( I just put him down for a nap and all I hear is him barking in his crib. Poor thing.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
When you're here, you're family! - Olive Garden

After last night-I think they will reconsider that slogan. Afterall, family is always welcome, right?
Yeah. Last night, after waiting an hour and a half(!!!!!) for those delicious bread sticks and salad, we finlly got sat. This is after Evan, Gus and two of my nieces ran around terrorizing the masses in the lobby for the better part of the evening. All was first. The kids were behaving as best they could and Gus was as cute as ever. (Playing "where's Gus?" with the green linen napkins, and jabbering to all the nearby tables.)
Right after our dinner came (I got Chicken and Shimp Carbonara-YUM!)I heard a strange sound. If you ever had a dog, it's that sound they make when they accidently swallow the stuffing of your favorite childhood teddybear and are attempting to cough it back up. Followed soon after by that whooshing sound your washing machine made that time you accidently flooded the laundry room with your mixture of too much clothes/too much detergent...
Oh yeah. Vomit.(WHOOSH) EVERYWHERE. (WHOOSH)I just kept throwing linen napkin (WHOOSH), upon napkin (WHOOSH), upon napkin.( DOUBLE WHOOSH.) My sister and her husband were in tears laughing (because it was JUST THAT KINDA NIGHT.) The poor waitress came over and asked how our food was and I just said, "I need a to-go box and you need a bag!"
Friday, January 2, 2009
Oh how I despise the word fart. (ack!)

The other morning, I was lying in bed and Evan came in to use my bathroom. I heard him "toot." Then I heard him chuckle.
E: "Oops. I farted."
Me: "Evan. Do not say that word. It's gross!"
E: (totally ignoring my request and missing the point!) "What? I always fart when I pee."
Me: "Evan! Cut it out! I can't stand that word!"
E: (closing his eyes and inhaling deeply) "Ahhh. I love the smell of fresh fart in the morning!"
AAAAAH! What a little stinker! (Pardon the pun.) I was caught so off guard that I laughed and totally forgot to scold him for not listening to my demands. That kid just kills me!
BTW- Am I wrong? What do you teach a little boy to say when he passes gas? My husband thinks I am a dork for calling it tooting.
What should he say?
passed gas?
shot a bunny?
cut the cheese?
broke wind?
have flatus?
have thunderpants?
laid an air biscuit?
let one rip?
stepped on a frog?
I am all out of ideas on this ridiculous subject...but definitely open for suggestions! :)