The other morning, I was lying in bed and Evan came in to use my bathroom. I heard him "toot." Then I heard him chuckle.
E: "Oops. I farted."
Me: "Evan. Do not say that word. It's gross!"
E: (totally ignoring my request and missing the point!) "What? I always fart when I pee."
Me: "Evan! Cut it out! I can't stand that word!"
E: (closing his eyes and inhaling deeply) "Ahhh. I love the smell of fresh fart in the morning!"
AAAAAH! What a little stinker! (Pardon the pun.) I was caught so off guard that I laughed and totally forgot to scold him for not listening to my demands. That kid just kills me!
BTW- Am I wrong? What do you teach a little boy to say when he passes gas? My husband thinks I am a dork for calling it tooting.
What should he say?
passed gas?
shot a bunny?
cut the cheese?
broke wind?
have flatus?
have thunderpants?
laid an air biscuit?
let one rip?
stepped on a frog?
I am all out of ideas on this ridiculous subject...but definitely open for suggestions! :)
oh i SO agree with you-I HATE the word fart!!!!! we call it tooted, which i swore i NEVER would because I hated when my mom called it that! stay strong! :)
Evan is SO funny! We call it tooting and farting around here, but I prefer "toot" too. :)
both kids and Justin say fart and I'm always correcting them with "toot". But I may be changing to laid an air biscuit!!!
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