I am off to take Gus to the dr's office. I just called the nurse to ask about Gus's cough. (He woke up this morning with a barking cough. Hopefully it's not croup.)
I weighed Gus then and realized that he has lost a LOT of weight since Thursday (when he started feeling sickish...) He went from 28.8lbs to 23.6lbs! That's like losing 20% his weight! (In a week!) Obviously the picture on the right is photoshopped. Just wanted you to get an idea of what I'm talking about! He's lost his innertube! (Not really, but sorta, a smidge...)
Evan gets on the bus (first day back to school-PRAISE JESUS!!!) at noon and we go across the street to our appt at 12:10. Please pray that Gussie is okay and doesn't have to go to the hospital or get an IV. I don't think he is dehydrated (still has tears, mouth wet, still has wet diapers and not peaking skin)and that is why I didn't call dr earlier....Now I feel bad, though=
UPDATE: Just got back from the Dr's appt. He said Gus is around 26lbs, and not to worry about the weight b/c he is hydrated. However, poor bubs has Croup. :( I just put him down for a nap and all I hear is him barking in his crib. Poor thing.
he lost a lot!!!! please keep us updated!!!! i hope he it okay!
Poor little thing! Hope he is feeling better tomorrow.
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