Friday, January 30, 2009

If one more snowflake falls....


Okay. So we have not had school since last Friday and momma is about to go 100% loony ( as opposed to my typical 88.3%!) This week has been nothing if not interesting. The kids have pulled all sorts of shenanigans and my home is taking the brunt of it!

1 The number of times I have actually sat in the corner rocking myself and crying.

2 The number of flooded toilets flooded from exactly the same number of full rolls of TP.

2.2 The number of liters of water Gus just dropped on my floor as I was typing this.

3 The number of times Gus has poured out an entire box of cereal.

2 The number of loads of clean ( and folded) laundry in 1 basket that Gus coated with Cookie

1,397 The number of times Evan has asked me if he has school that day.

1,397 The number of times I have unfortunately had to answer "no." So sad. :(

This a picture of the toilet Evan flooded. (The second time.) The first time, I scolded him and cleaned it out myself. The second time, I grabbed a pair of gloves and some construction goggles and handed them to Evan. I bet he never does this again! (Notice that there is literally almost no water left in the bowl! He used THAT much tissue!


Anonymous said...

H - I'm still laughing at the day old hotdog. Love you!! Hang in there Mama!!

shell said...

you poor thing
i wish i lived close enough to come distract for a while!

Shannon said...

Oh you know how I feel about snow days. And just when I thought there was an end in sight and I was SO excited for Monday to come, we may get more snow that night. I can't do it. I really can't!