There. Have you recovered yet?
Yesterday was a rough day in my home. Almost 11 years ago, I met a guy (who also is not perfect). We fell madly in love and ignored all little pieces of eachother that weren't quite compatible. We were CRAZY about eachother. Fastforward 8 years of marriage, and two adorable little scamps later. Now those incompatabilites are mixed with not enough "couple time," overall discontent, messy house, grumpy parents...you get where I'm going. I'm sure.
I thought we were through. I really did. I spent so many years wishing he would change and that things would be different. I ignored him. I nagged. I prayed. I screamed. I scolded. I threatened. I did alot of things I wish I hadn't. He ran. He partied. He screamed. He ignored. He closed me out. Yesterday, we came to the decision we needed to change. For us. For the boys. We needed better for all of us. I wanted counseling. He wanted divorce. I said that I was fine with whatever he wanted. I just was tired of fighting.
I couldn't sleep all night. I prayed. HARD. I had friends and sisters on their knees pleading with God to step in and cover our family. I am so excited to announce that this morning, Craig changed his mind. He wants to work it out. I am going to go to counseling. Even if he doesn't. I have to let go and let God. I just wanted to share my joy with everyone. Thanks for your prayers. And keep 'em coming! I know this isn't going to be easy, but I do know that it's going to be worth it.
I'm so glad things are looking up. You are a strong woman, and amazing mother! I'll keep the prayers coming your way. And I don't mind talking anytime. :)
Oh Heather, thank you for being so transparent and real so that we can pray for you guys!!! Marriage is SO tough. I think I always just thought it would be easy, so easy to just be 'in love'. and it is such a sacrifice and takes such a servants heart. I will be praying for you guys! We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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