Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tubby Bubby.

Gus is a tank. Seriously. It is so funny to watch him lumbering around because his belly sticks out SO far! (Think: overweight daushaunds who have back problems from their tummies touching the ground. ) I figured he would lose weight once he started walking-but that was 5 months ago and the kid keeps packing on the lbs! He recently started pulling his shirt up and rubbing his tummy. It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! I keep thinking about that episode of Friends when Joey wore maternity pants to Thanksgiving dinner!
When I look at those chubby fingers, thigh rolls, triple chins and beachball-shaped waistline I praise God that my baby is healthy and yes-fat. I am thankful for the nourishment that is provided and the fact that he never goes to bed with a grumbly belly. I can't imagine all the poor mothers who cry in bed wondering how they will feed their children the next day...Or worse yet-there are mothers out there, without even the luxury of a bed, holding a baby dead from starvation. It's horrible to think about how much I take God's blessings for granted....

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