Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just something cute...

Gus has a little buddy at preschool named Andrew. Thursday when I went to pick Gus up from school, his teacher, Mrs. Birmingham pulled Andrew's mother and me aside. With tears in her eyes she told us the about the sweetest thing that had happened that day. Andrew was so worried about Gus's hand, he leaned over to Gus and said, "Don't worry, Gus. I'll take care of you and make sure you don't hurt your hand again." Soooooooooo cute!!!!

Well, Andrew must be trying to get a good citizen award because his tender little heart reached out to Gus at school again today! They did an art project where they dipped both hands in white paint and stuck them on black construction paper. This was made to resemble x-rays of the childrens hands.  All of the kids were able to do it, except Gus as his left hand is still wrapped up.  Instead of two symmetrical (well, probably not exactly! They're only three...hahaha)  hand prints, Gus's paper has two different sized palm prints.  Gus's right hand and Andrew's left.

 I cannot wait to see this adorableness! I will post a picture as soon as I get the "x-ray" sent home :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My poor little Gussers!!!!!

Monday night, my sweet baby boy got burnt on the stove. We were coming off the most amazing day. We had gone to the park, uncovered a new coffee shop, and then had a picnic at the airport viewing area. It was awesome! The time came to make dinner and I made the (now) regrettable decision to let him help me.

We prepared the food together, dipping chicken breast in a beaten egg, then coating it with a crumb mixture and then put it in the oven.  Then we moved to the stove, where I was boiling a pot of water to make mashed potatoes....I kept telling Gus I no longer needed help and that the stove top was super hot. I did not however ask him to leave the kitchen. Instead, I reveled the the glow of our glorious day together, not entertaining the notion that things quickly might turn....

As I was removing the pot of boiling water I told Gus to be careful because the burner was hot and as I set the potatoes down on the other boiler-Gus threw his left hand down on the red hot, newly vacant burner. Ahhhhhhgggggghhhh!!!! What followed next can only be described as utter chaos. Gus and I were both crying, I was calling my sister Aimee (an ER nurse) and trying to get Gus dressed and out the door. After a few minutes, the burns that at first looked clear, began to darken and I knew he had 2nd degree burns. My sister talked me into driving Gus to Children's ER and I am so glad she did.

He cried the entire way, apologizing for not listening to me. It was horrendous. 
"Mom, I should have listened to you!" (He was in so much pain, he was twisting an elastic band that goes to his carseat cover around his other wrist trying to transfer pain away from his injury.)
"You're the best mom in the world."(Crying.Followed by screaming....followed by growling.)
"I never cooking with you again!"
(more growling)
"Oooohhh. It's all my fault!"
(I kept telling him it was 100% all my fault. I had no business having him in there with a hot stove.)
"I want to sit up front with you! I want you to touch me!"
(By this time I was hysterical myself)
"My hand is on fire!"
"Am I still the best boy in the world?"
(broke my heart!)

Once we got to CCHMC, they ushered us into a room within 10 minutes. I guess they felt awful for the poor little guy. He ended up with 1st and 2nd degree burns-but no 3rd. Praise Jesus!  We have to wrap it and do dressing changes a few times a day-but the dr thinks he will be just fine. As bad as it was to see him in so much pain, I realize it could have been so much worse. I am going to be more careful and protective of my kiddos from now on. It just stinks it took something like that to teach me a lesson.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Book club!

I  am thrilled to say I am back in a book club. It combines two of my favorite loves....reading and talking! HAHAH!!!! This month the book selected was The Hate List, by Jennifer Brown. The book focuses on one of my biggest fears :BULLYING. Uggh. I hate bullies!  I am so scared that someone will someday make my child feel less than what he is (perfect) and worse yet-that he will believe it.  The book is based around a tragic school shooting and all the blame flinging that ensues. I loved it.  If any of you end up reading it-let me know! I'd love to discuss! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bedtime prayers

Lately, as they boys and I are doing our bedtime prayers, Gus has decided God is in the business of granting wishes.  He starts out with "Dear God way up in the stars" or something just as goofy and then lets his list fly! Here's a few:
-"Um, God, I wish that everybody in town was robots and you got fired." (Yeah...I was not a fan of that one!)
-"God, I reallllllllly wish we lived in a big, giant cupcake."
-" I wish I lived on a boat with an elephant and he could sleep in my bed"

So, needless to say, a talk was in order! Craig and I always tell the boys that God is in their hearts, and also in everything around us in the whole entire world.  Tonight, as Gus was laying down, he asked me, "Mom? Is this where my heart is?" (He was patting his chest.) "Yes dear, that's your heart." "So....that's where God is? And Jesus? They both fit in there? I must have a big heart!"  (Then he leaned with his chin to chest and whispered) "Good night God and Jesus....sorry you're smooshed!"

Ahhhh....he is the funniest!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So proud of my boy!

Today Evan came home from school and immediately asked Craig and I if he could go door to door to all of our neighbors and ask them for money.  Knowing him as we do-we knew this could be for a multitude of we didn't even try to guess. Evan then handed me a packet of paper and explained that he wanted to participate in JumpRope for Heart, an event at school geared towards raising money for the American Heart Association to help kids with heart conditions.

 He proceeded to email all of our family and then ran into his bedroom. He came back with his piggy bank and a screwdriver. He told me that he wanted to give all his money to help kids with heart disease. With all his money (really only about $60) he figured he could save a thousand kids lives!
 Ah....I love this boy! He has the sweetest heart. I let him donate $10 and then told him we'd help him raise the rest. He is so special and I couldn't be more proud!

He asked for my help to set up a web page. He began to fill all the info out himself. Imagine my surprise when he added a zero to the default fundraising goal of $100! Yeah. He wants to raise $1000 dollars :)  The entire school's goal is only $2500! We lowered it to $300, because you can always overshoot that goal-but I really wanted him to feel accomplished when he met the goal and not bummed if he doesn't.  So far, he has raised $170 with the help of FB and family!

If you'd like to help Evan raise money for the AHA JumpRope for Heart, you can follow this link: