Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just getting over being sick...

I have been sick since the 21st of February. It's been awful trying to kick this hacking cough. I am thankful that despite my wheezing and nasty gunk in my chest-it never went into pneumonia. My little Gussers got the funk on Friday, so he's been on antibiotics, ear drops and 2 inhalers since Saturday. Poor bubs. Now he has the trots from the antibiotics and is pooing out of his diaper constantly. I am trying to keep his tush from bleeding, so I am giving him a bath everytime he "goes." Today, as of noon, he has been bathed 3 times. (I have had to bathe once as well due to an unfortunate smattering on my forearm and legs that occured when Gus was sitting in my lap and had a case of grumble-guts....)

In other news, I have lost 14 lbs and am now entered into a weight loss study. I get to meet with a nutritionist for a year!!!! I am SOOOOO excited!!!! I hope to get this weight off once and for all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW a nutritionist for a YEAR! That is so awesome, Heather! Congrats!! What are you doing that you lost 14 lbs so quickly??