Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have company!

One of my best friends has been in town visiting with me since Wednesday! Yay, Hillary! We didn't get to go anywhere fun, but we had a nice time just hanging out and chasing the boys. The boys love her! Evan is always cuddled up to her and trying to impress her. So cute.

The other night I was washing dishes and wished aloud that we had more space in our condo. Evan (my little grown up) said, "Mommy, if you got the new space saver bags, you could not only keep your clothes clean, but you have space to store them. You can fit 20 sweaters in the space it would take to fold one!" I laughed my tush off. He is so funny sometimes. And yes, we need to cut back on his tv time. He is already memorizing infomercials!

Well-I am off! Hillary and I drove up to Cleveland last night to visit with her sissy. Sus is AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to fill ya'll in on the happenings of Heather without kids! Fun times!

1 comment:

shell said...

Nothing like having a best friend to hang out with! Hope you guys had a great time!