Monday, October 20, 2008

Politics and my 5 year old DO NOT MIX!!!

Yeah. Evan came home from school today acting extremely quiet. Right as we are about to go to his Chuckie Cheese fundraiser for school he dropped the bomb on me.

E: Mom? You can't vote for John McCain. If he wins, he is going to kill Kahled's family!
Me: Evan. That is not true. Why would Khaled say that?
E: It's true! John McCain is going to tear down all the buildings, too!
Me: Evan. Khaled is just repeating what he hears at home. I promise you. John McCain will never kill Khaled's family.
E: You have to vote for Rock Ovama.
Me: Barack Obama.
E: NO! It's Rock Ovama. Khaled said so.
Me: (muttering) Shows how much Khaled knows.

I am speechless. Truely. I am so over this election and all the smear campaigning. I do not watch debates around my child because I don't think a 5 year old needs to be involved in politics of any sort. All he needs to know is the president's name. Uggh. I don't even know who I am voting for, yet my 5 year old thinks he does. Ridiculous.

1 comment:

shell said...

i TOTALLY understand!!
joseph wants to vote for obama so he will be the "first one with dark skin"
have i taught him nothing!??!
